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The SonoLong Curl Echo set was developed by Pajunk together with Dr. Cedric Luyet and is especially predestined for Paravertebral blocks. The catheter comes with a curled tip that reduces the chance of catheter migration1.
The soft tip of the Curl catheter tip rolls up placing the catheter tip at the needle tip position. The 6 lateral openings allow for a consistent distribution of anaesthetic around the nerve.
The SonoLong Curl Echo catheter is visible under ultrasound and is radiopaque.
Item description | Item no. LUER | Purchase Unit |
18G x 50mm (2") with Tuohy Tip / 20G x 50cm catheter with 6 lateral openings / Clamping Adapter (yellow) / Filter 0,2 µm / FixoLong |
531188-31C | 10 |
18G x 100mm (4") with Tuohy Tip / 20G x 90cm catheter with 6 lateral openings / Filter 0,2 µm / Clamping Adapter (yellow) / FixoLong |
521188-34C | 10 |
Item description |
18G x 50mm (2") with Tuohy Tip / 20G x 50cm catheter with 6 lateral openings / Clamping Adapter (yellow) / Filter 0,2 µm / FixoLong |
Item no. LUER | 531188-31C | 10 |
Item description |
18G x 100mm (4") with Tuohy Tip / 20G x 90cm catheter with 6 lateral openings / Filter 0,2 µm / Clamping Adapter (yellow) / FixoLong |
Item no. LUER | 521188-34C | 10 |
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GuRU Poster Emergency Medicine EU
1 Lohr D. et al. Vergleich zweier unterschiedlicher Katheterdesigns hinsichtlich Lagestabilität und Wirksamkeit bei interskalenärer Plexus-brachialis-Blockade, DAC 2015; Poster Nr. PO 3.3.3