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As a fully automatic disposable instrument, CoreCut is suitable wherever one or more tissue samples should be extracted from the same patient. Due to the specific design of the Biopsy system, the instrument can be comfortably operated by left- and right-handed persons. The device has an optical and mechanical security system.
Item description | Item no. | Purchase Unit |
18G x 100mm (1.20mm), sterile |
515S120100 | 5 |
18G x 150mm (1.20mm), sterile |
515S120150 | 5 |
18G x 200mm (1.20mm), sterile |
515S120200 | 5 |
18G x 250mm (1.20mm), sterile |
515S120250 | 5 |
16G x 100mm (1.60mm), sterile |
515S160100 | 5 |
16G x 150mm (1.60mm), sterile |
515S160150 | 5 |
16G x 200mm (1.60mm), sterile |
515S160200 | 5 |
14G x 100mm (2.10mm), sterile |
515S210100 | 5 |
14G x 150mm (2.10mm), sterile |
515S210150 | 5 |
Item description |
18G x 100mm (1.20mm), sterile |
Item no. | 515S120100 | 5 |
Item description |
18G x 150mm (1.20mm), sterile |
Item no. | 515S120150 | 5 |
Item description |
18G x 200mm (1.20mm), sterile |
Item no. | 515S120200 | 5 |
Item description |
18G x 250mm (1.20mm), sterile |
Item no. | 515S120250 | 5 |
Item description |
16G x 100mm (1.60mm), sterile |
Item no. | 515S160100 | 5 |
Item description |
16G x 150mm (1.60mm), sterile |
Item no. | 515S160150 | 5 |
Item description |
16G x 200mm (1.60mm), sterile |
Item no. | 515S160200 | 5 |
Item description |
14G x 100mm (2.10mm), sterile |
Item no. | 515S210100 | 5 |
Item description |
14G x 150mm (2.10mm), sterile |
Item no. | 515S210150 | 5 |
Downloads |
Core Biopsy Brochure