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Standing behind the company and its products with heart and soul - this is the only way marketing and sales work. Great product and specialist knowledge is just as important to us as a feel for the market situation and, of course, for our customers. With communicative pleasure, we see ourselves not only as marketeers or salespeople, but above all as consultants.
A great team of marketing and sales specialists supports and advises you competently in all questions and concerns. Our common goal is to make our product accessible worldwide to all users, and to make the PAJUNK® brand recognizable globally.
"Employees are our greatest asset" - not just a phrase for us. We know that the success of the company depends on the performance and motivation of our employees. This is why we support them in their professional and personal development and promote their individual skills.
As an owner-managed family business, we cultivate closeness to our employees and ensure a working atmosphere that is characterised by openness, trust and commitment. This creates freedom, which is decisive for the identification and commitment of our employees.
We will only live up to our responsibility towards users and ultimately towards patients if we continuously strengthen the active exchange of experience between users, technicians and developers. This exchange is our innovation engine and enables us to meet the requirements of the dynamic market. PAJUNK® takes up needs, sets new standards or finds ways to meet the changed requirements with corresponding product innovations. This is the basis of our innovative strength.
It has never been easier than today to stand up for people and the planet. But nobody can be proud of the reason for this: Man-made disasters happen almost every week.
With innovative medical technology, Pajunk has been committed to the well-being of people from the very beginning. However, this commitment does not end in the operating theatre, it is much more complex and extensive. "We should make responsible use of the privilege of setting a good example at all levels of our actions," emphasises Managing Director Simone Pajunk-Schelling.
Fair and sustainable production is an important prerequisite for us, which is why all our decisions are guided by sustainable environmental practice. However, sustainability and responsibility are not only an ecological but also a social factor. To achieve our goals, we rely on committed and competent - but above all - satisfied employees. After all, the path to a secure and hopeful future can only be taken together.