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The HF-C handle is a fully reusable system and compatible with our reusable ceramic tip electrodes for long durability and coagulation quality.
The system allows for very quick and easy cleaning, and is made of high-quality insulation material (PEEK) and ensures a safe operation even at high voltages.
Item description | Item no. | Purchase Unit |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, hook electrode |
2000-01-11 | 1 |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, hook electrode |
2000-11-11 | 1 |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, angle electrode |
2000-01-12 | 1 |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, angle electrode |
2000-11-12 | 1 |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, spatula electrode |
2000-01-13 | 1 |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, spatula electrode |
2000-11-13 | 1 |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, knife electrode |
2000-01-15 | 1 |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, knife electrode |
2000-11-15 | 1 |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, 45° angle electrode |
2000-01-16 | 1 |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, 45° angle electrode |
2000-11-16 | 1 |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, needle electrode |
2000-01-17 | 1 |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, needle electrode |
2000-11-17 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, hook electrode |
Item no. | 2000-01-11 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, hook electrode |
Item no. | 2000-11-11 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, angle electrode |
Item no. | 2000-01-12 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, angle electrode |
Item no. | 2000-11-12 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, spatula electrode |
Item no. | 2000-01-13 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, spatula electrode |
Item no. | 2000-11-13 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, knife electrode |
Item no. | 2000-01-15 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, knife electrode |
Item no. | 2000-11-15 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, 45° angle electrode |
Item no. | 2000-01-16 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, 45° angle electrode |
Item no. | 2000-11-16 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 340mm, ø 5mm, needle electrode |
Item no. | 2000-01-17 | 1 |
Item description |
with ceramic tip, with integrated handle, monopolar, 440mm, ø 5mm, needle electrode |
Item no. | 2000-11-17 | 1 |
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FlowSys HF Brochure