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Pajunk offers a range of straight echogenic needles for temperature contolled RF procedures, specifically designed for procedures in the periphery. Our needles come with the patented Cornerstone Reflectors for improved ultrasound visibility, combined with high stabilitiy and maneuverability, as well as a smooth needle coating for easy placement and reduced drag.
Item description | Item no. LUER | Purchase Unit |
22G x 98.6mm (4") 5mm Active Tip |
001175-20B | 25 |
20G x 52.6mm (2") 5mm Active Tip |
001175-11D | 25 |
Item description |
22G x 98.6mm (4") 5mm Active Tip |
Item no. LUER | 001175-20B | 25 |
Item description |
20G x 52.6mm (2") 5mm Active Tip |
Item no. LUER | 001175-11D | 25 |