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It's all about patient safety
‘‘Hi, we are Rosi and Florian Weck
We would like to inform you about the latest news in the area of
In the past 6 months, the topic of safety at Pajunk has been in focus of our Reliable Partner Campaign. It is particularly important to us that we, as a high-quality medical device manufacture, make our contribution to increasing patient safety.
Patient Safety - a topic that has a high priority in healthcare. There are a number of factors involved in the health of a patient and patient safety should be the focus everywhere. This ranges from the doctor’s office, over large hospitals, to companies in the med tech and pharma industries. Everyone involved has the task of putting patient safety at the centre of attention in order to ensure the best possible patient care and treatment.
The safety of patients and users is our top priority. Whether it’s our current product range or new technologies we are working on, we keep an intensive exchange with experts. Especially this exchange is extremely important for our product developments.
Product and technology developments made by Pajunk
Whether it is about more visibility under ultrasound, a visual control during the application of an epidural anaesthesia or the avoidance of nerve damage during nerve blocks when the opening pressure is too high, Pajunk makes a significant contribution to patient safety with our respective product developments. High quality in production also contributes to patient safety. This is also an important factor for Pajunk and is reflected in our products. Read more
Our product & technology developments include the following:
Many factors are important for patient safety. This will also continue to be Pajunk's focus. From quality to innovation.