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Pajunk has always been close with the major Regional Anaesthesia societies by providing our support through attendance of the bigger and smaller meetings, workshops and trainings on the European level. With the introduction of ESRA's industry education webinars Pajunk is again at the forefront of actively supporting the education of Anesthesiologists in Regional Anesthesia topics. With our goal to develop and push new Regional Anaesthesia techniques, we are focussing on interesting less known topics that we think will gain momentum and play a relevant role in the treatment of patients in the future.
This year we will be preparing a total of six webinars together with ESRA.
Our second webinar took place on February, 18th and focused on Ultrasound-guided WALANT & Ultrasound-guided Ophthalmic Blocks.
The webinar was moderated by Prof. Xavier Capdevila, who is the head of the University Hospital Emergency Department in Montpellier, France and also coordinates the Anaesthesia and Resuscitation Department. The webinar’s two sessions were presented by two different specialists in the certain areas.
Dr. Sebastian Bloc (Anesthiologist at Drouot Sport in Paris, France) showed the benefits of performing Wide Awake Local Anaesthesia (WALANT) in the webinar’s first session.
In the second session Dr. Mehdi Kacha (Anesthiologist at Ophthalmic Institute in Somain, France) took over and talked about sono anatomy and ultrasound practice in ophthmologic anaesthesia.
You can view the webinar on our youtube channel - link see below.